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My Soulful Journey: Melissa Spann, PhD, LMHC, CEDS

Vice President of Admissions Dr. Melissa Spann, PhD, LMHC, CEDS shares her journey to joining the Monte Nido & Affiliates team. She gives insight into the work she does with the…

Articles for the Soul

Join us in reading soulful articles we have cultivated from across the web. If you have found an article you feel is inspirational, explores current research, or is a knowledgeable…

Sleeping Souls: Awakening your Authentic Self

Leaders from Monte Nido’s Eating Disorder Center of California will facilitate “Sleeping Souls: Awakening your Authentic Self” in which we will explore the nature of soul and the value of…

The Importance of Slowing Down

Eating Disorder Specialist Angie Viets, LCP has dedicated her career to helping her clients on their journey to full recovery. In this week’s post, Angie discusses the importance of slowing…

Why Nurses & Why Monte Nido and Affilliates

Monte Nido & Affiliates Vice President of Nursing Lyn Goldring, RN, BN, CEDRN helped to create the current nursing program, and currently oversees the well being of clients and the…