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Associations between major depressive and bipolar disorders and eating disorder, PTSD, and comorbid symptom severity in eating disorder patients

Mood Disorders Are Common in Eating Disorder Residential Care. 76.5% of Study Participants met criteria for Mood Disorder.

Our latest groundbreaking research was recently published about the association between major depressive and bipolar disorders and eating disorders.  The research article was written collaboratively by Molly Perlman and Guilia Suro from Monte Nido & Affiliates and also by Ismael Gavidia and Timothy D. Brewerton

These findings have important implications for prevention, treatment and long-term follow-up and highlight the need for early trauma-focused treatment of eating disorder patients with comorbid mood disorders and PTSD. The study supports our previously published research on the benefits of trauma-integrated care.  

Co-Occuring PTSD is common in eating disorder clients with Mood Disorders

 Key insights include: 

  • 76.4% of adults who are admitted to our resident treatment programs have mood disorders.  
  • Those with a bipolar disorder diagnosis showed higher rates of trauma, current PTSD, and severity of ED, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.   
  • Those with major depressive disorder also had higher rates compared to the group who did not have mood disorders.   

Click here to learn more and read the full study. And for more information about our outcomes visit montenidoaffiliates.com/outcomes.