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Eighth Testimonial

Monte Nido Treatment Center is a safe haven for any individual on the path to recovery from an eating disorder. Within this “mountain nest” my clients have received the individual…

Seventh Testimonial

As a psychotherapist in private practice who specializes in eating disorders I often need to refer a client for in-patient treatment. My first recommendation when making this type of referral…

Sixth Testimonial

I have known and worked with Carolyn Costin for over 15 years and consider her as a friend and mentor. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of eating disorder treatment, and…

Fifth Testimonial

I have never experienced such unconditional love, support and more than that hope, a home that is so full of love and care, and nothing but safety.

Fourth Testimonial

I now have a life beyond my eating disorder. I am present in every moment; I get to feel; I get to laugh. I have the freedom to live every…