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Sixth Testimonial

Sixth Testimonial

I have known and worked with Carolyn Costin for over 15 years and consider her as a friend and mentor. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of eating disorder treatment, and has a remarkable gift to provide state of the art care. Without a doubt, the Monte Nido treatment program is my first call residential treatment facility. The beautiful surroundings, the competent and caring staff and the dedication of all who work for Carolyn allows me to know that my private clients are getting the best possible care. In addition I appreciate the cooperative and collaborative approach they take with me, the referring therapist. I always feel included as part of the treatment team. In addition I would, without hesitation, send a family member to Monte Nido. – Judy Baer, LMFT Los Angeles, California
Monte Nido
I have known and worked with Carolyn Costin for over 15 years and consider her as a friend and mentor. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of eating disorder treatment, and has a remarkable gift to provide state of the art care. Without a doubt, the Monte Nido treatment program is my first call residential treatment facility. The beautiful surroundings, the competent and caring staff and the dedication of all who work for Carolyn allows me to know that my private clients are getting the best possible care. In addition I appreciate the cooperative and collaborative approach they take with me, the referring therapist. I always feel included as part of the treatment team. In addition I would, without hesitation, send a family member to Monte Nido. – Judy Baer, LMFT Los Angeles, California