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Dr. L

The professionals at Monte Nido at Laurel Hill in Boston are unique in that they not only provide very effective treatment for eating disorders – they do so in a safe, caring and patient friendly environment. Our daughter had been in two previous treatment facilities for anorexia that proved to be abject failures. The staff at Monte Nido understands what both the patient and their families are going through as some of them are recovered anorexic patients! I am so thankful for the love and the care that my daughter is receiving from the MN staff. Their care is comprehensive and emphasis is on the patient’s’ mind, body and spirit and includes daily individual therapy as well as group therapy. I highly recommend Monte Nido to anyone who is suffering from an eating disorder. Prior to our experience at Monte Nido, our outlook was dark and we felt that there was no real hope for her recovery. Now, we feel that our daughter’s recovery is at hand. Thank you!