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Anorexia Nervosa Can’t Be Left Untreated – Here’s How to Get Help

When left untreated, the eating disorder anorexia nervosa can wreak havoc on a person’s physical, mental, and social health.Long-term lack of nutrition, from calories to vitamins, overwhelms the body and…

Five Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa That Can’t be Ignored in Younger People

The people closest to you are the ones who know you best…

10 Questions To Ask If You Think A Loved One Has Anorexia Nervosa

There is a dangerous misconception about anorexia nervosa that suggests it only…

How Self-Care Can Help While in Anorexia Treatment Near You

While working on healing a disordered relationship with food and exercise at anorexia treatment near you, stress levels can start to rise. Without a way to relieve that stress, it…

Fat Shaming, Fat Phobia and the Rise in Eating Disorders

Amy’s* parents made reservations at a popular buffet-style…