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“You’re Too Sensitive” and Other Lies Your Eating Disorder Tells You

  Dr. Linda Shanti, PsyD is an eating disorder expert with almost two decades of experience working in the field. As a recovered professional, she understands what her clients are…

It’s Not Your Body’s Fault

Monte Nido Manhattan Primary Therapist Kelsey Fisher, LMSW approaches each new therapeutic relationship with hope and the belief that full recovery is a genuine possibility for every person who embarks…

Redefining Resolutions in Recovery

Clinical Psychotherapist and Eating Disorders Specialist Angie Viets, LCP speaks to the pressure and stress the new year can bring to those suffering from an eating disorder. In her post,…

Article Inspiration

Join us in reading soulful articles we have cultivated from across the web. If you have found an article you feel is inspirational, explores current research, or is a knowledgeable piece…

8 Keys Series: It’s Not Just About Food

Monte Nido Vice President of Clinical Programming Keesha Amezcua, MA, LMFT, CEDS continues her series this week on the 8 Keys book by Gwen Grabb, LMFT and Monte Nido Founder Carolyn Costin…