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The Importance of Slowing Down

Eating Disorder Specialist Angie Viets, LCP has dedicated her career to helping her clients on their journey to full recovery. In this week’s post, Angie discusses the importance of slowing…

Why Nurses & Why Monte Nido and Affilliates

Monte Nido & Affiliates Vice President of Nursing Lyn Goldring, RN, BN, CEDRN helped to create the current nursing program, and currently oversees the well being of clients and the…

Eating Disorders vs. Disordered Eating: What’s the Difference?

Monte Nido Manhattan Primary Therapist Temimah Zucker, LMSW shares important information about distinguishing between eating disorders and disordered eating. Temimah explains how to discern when disordered eating has turned into…

Body & Soul: Group Therapy at Monte Nido

Monte Nido Eating Disorder Center of Philadelphia Primary Therapist Kate Funk shares an inside look at the Body & Soul Group she runs with her clients. Kate discusses what group…