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Part Two: Changing the Food Conversation in 2018

Monte Nido & Affiliates Director of Nutrition Anna Sweeney, MS, RD, LDN, CEDRD is an expert in the treatment of individuals presenting with eating disorders, disordered eating, and emotional eating. Anna shares part two of her series about changing the food conversation in 2018…


Check out Part One of Anna’s Series HERE

As you start 2018, consider these questions when you’re making decisions about food:

  1. Do I like this food? Enjoyment of food will result in increased nutrient absorption of whatever you’re eating! (Really.)
  2. Do I have the rules about this food? And if I have rules about this food, where did they come from? When did they come to be? And how do they help me? Do they help me now the same way they did I first started following them? If you do have food rules, understanding where they came from, what they were attempting to fix, and evaluating whether or not they still serve you, is a great way to get curious about moving away from them.
  3. Am I eating this food because I like it, or because I think I should? If the answer is anywhere close to the latter, examine immediately! Bring this to your dietitian, and get curious.

Your relationship with food is one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have. Honor that. Eating foods that you enjoy, that taste appealing, and that are being consumed in accordance to your preferences, automatically make those foods good foods.

Wishing you peace and great eating in the New Year!


We are exited to share the opening of Monte Nido Eating Disorder Center of Westchester! Learn more about the program by visiting our website or calling an Admissions Specialist at 888.228.1253.

For more information about Monte Nido please call 888.228.1253, visit our website and connect with us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter, and Instagram.