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Maintaining Recovery During COVID-19

Chief Clinical Officer Melissa Spann, LMHC, PhD, CEDS-S offers tips to maintain recovery during COVID-19. Read on to learn how to take care of yourself during this difficult time…

In the best of circumstances, recovery is hard. Really Hard. These are not those circumstances. The circumstances facing us to have those who are struggling trying to maintain recovery in the midst of a pandemic such as the world has never seen. Please know we see you, we are here for you, and we are sending our love and support to you.

Here are some ways to continue to connect with your healthy self. Please remember social distancing is about physicality, not connection; lean in to your families, your neighbors and friends. We can all use more connection.

·       Down load a free app to help with meditation, relaxation and most of all the will remind you to breathe

·       Turn off the TV news (that includes news on your phone, tablet and other devices). Set limits for yourself on how much time daily you will engage in news coverage.

·       Take the opportunity to lean in on your relationships

·       Remember that new hobby you keep putting off – let’s give it a try! Knitting, reading a book, puzzles, learning to play the ukulele- now is the time.

·       Keep writing, journaling, creating art, and using your creative mind

·       Plan out your food shopping menu and order food well in advance

·       Have virtual meals with your supports

·       Create a schedule and develop new routines

If you are struggling and need our support, please call MNA Admissions at:

Phone: 888.228.1253
Email: admissions@montenidoaffiliates.com