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Binge Eating Disorder Treatment in Eugene, OR

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253

Binge eating disorder is a very serious mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, sexes, genders, races and cultural backgrounds. Characterized by recurring episodes in which an individual binge eats large amounts of food in a very short period of time, the disorder can have many lasting health consequences. Individuals with the condition often binge when they aren’t physically hungry and may experience feelings of low self-esteem or shame during and after these episodes. However, unlike other common eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, people with binge eating disorder do not engage in any compensatory behaviors after a binge eating episode.

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Are you looking for a comprehensive residential binge eating recovery center in Eugene? At Monte Nido, we are proud to provide the highest level of psychiatric and medical care for eating disorder clients outside of a hospital setting. With compassionate and empathetic care, we can help you find the tools you need to begin the recovery process in a comfortable and home-like setting.

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Navigating a Binge Eating Disorder Diagnosis in Eugene

Before you search for “binge eating disorder treatment near me” online, it’s important to take the time out to learn more about common binge eating disorder side effects and how the condition can affect your family as well. Luckily, with the help of early intervention, successful and long-term binge eating disorder recovery is possible.

Common Signs and Symptoms

  • Loved ones should be aware of evidence of binge eating around the home. Individuals with the disorder may hide or hoard food, eat alone and stash food wrappers or containers in odd places as well. As the condition progresses, they may experience an aversion to eating around others or in public as well.
  • Many people with binge eating disorder experience a negative or distorted body image. Great fluctuations in their body weight and shape are common as well. This distorted body image can lead to continuous fad or yo-yo dieting and repetitive fasting.
  • Individuals with binge eating disorder often develop certain rituals surrounding food. They may start to cut out entire food groups, only eat foods in certain orders or prevent foods from touching.

Serious Long-Term Health Risks of Binge Eating Disorder

  • Individuals with binge eating disorder are more likely to become overweight or obese because of the large amounts of food eaten without compensatory measures during binge-eating episodes. If left untreated, obesity can result in a wide range of long-term health issues.
  • When people binge eat they also tend to choose foods that are much higher in sugars and fats then foods that are high in protein and fiber. This can not only result in gastrointestinal issues but over time, can result in the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Some of the other long-term health complications associated with obesity and binge eating disorder include cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and arthritis.

The Good News – Binge Eating Disorder Therapy in Eugene

Eugene is a great city for anyone that enjoys the arts and exploring the great outdoors. Located in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, Eugene offers visitors easy access to forests, the ocean, and mountain peaks as well. At Monte Nido, we believe Eugene is an ideal retreat for clients interested in residential binge eating disorder therapy.

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253