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Anorexia Nervosa Treatment Center in Malibu, CA

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253

According to NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association), it is estimated that there are 0.3 to 0.4 percent of young women and 0.1 percent of young men with anorexia nervosa at any given time. Furthermore, a study in 2007 revealed that 0.9 percent of women and 0.3 percent of men surveyed had a history of anorexia nervosa at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, not only is this eating disorder prevalent, but it is also extremely dangerous.

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Treatment for anorexia nervosa must be provided in a compassionate way, and the problems present must be addressed in a comprehensive manner. At Monte Nido, we specialize in approaching anorexia nervosa diagnosis and treatment in the most professional, effective way through our residential and day treatment programs.

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A Closer Look at Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms

The majority of the physical symptoms associated with anorexia nervosa stem from the individual not getting the proper nutrition. Therefore, anorexia nervosa diagnosis can take valuable time if the person with the disorder is not forthcoming about their symptomology. Physical signs and symptoms oftentimes go unnoticed for years because of measures taken to hide body weight or (lack of) caloric intake. Some of the physical or medical symptoms that might present include:

  • Abnormal white or red blood cell counts
  • Low iron, anemia, and low blood levels
  • Fatigue, ongoing drowsiness, sleeping more than normal, or even insomnia
  • Thinning hair, hair loss, or hair that is dead in appearance or breaks easily
  • Light, downy hair growing on the face, arms, and other odd places on the body
  • Interrupted menstrual cycles or complete absence of menstruation
  • Dry skin that has a pale or yellowed hue
  • Dental problems
  • Low blood pressure, low pulse rate, irregular heartbeat
  • Sensitivity to cold or an inability to get warm

Emotional or psychological symptoms are also present in individuals with anorexia nervosa, and sometimes these symptoms will be even more noticeable than physical symptoms. A few examples of behavioral or emotional symptoms include being preoccupied with food, anxiety and depression, social withdrawal, irritability, apathy, and obsessive or impulsive behaviors.

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment Components

Because anorexia nervosa is such a complex issue with emotional and physical symptoms, anorexia nervosa treatment must be a multi-faceted approach that is uniquely designed to cater to the individual needs of the client. Treatment for the condition can include a multitude of different therapeutic approaches including:

  • Eliminating restricting behaviors
  • Healing relationships with food
  • Addressing nutrition and exercise in a healthy way
  • Restoring metabolic balance
  • Helping to understand the connection between food and emotions
  • Improving body image
  • Working with families and partners to eliminate unhealthy patterns in the family unit

The Advantages of Anorexia Nervosa Recovery in Malibu

When you decide to seek treatment for an eating disorder, it is critical that you pick a place that is good for your emotional well-being. Choosing to opt for treatment for anorexia nervosa disorder in Malibu will prove to be a better decision than trying to “work through it” alone. With a reputation of being one of the prized coastal areas in the state of California, Malibu boasts all-season sunny days and warm temperatures and mile after mile of beaches to explore. In a place that exudes warm happiness like Malibu, you are bound to feel more at peace throughout your treatment.

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253