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Beyond Binary Part One: Understanding gender diversity in eating disorder treatment

Julie Foster, DO serves as both Regional Outreach Manager…

8 Things That Set the Best Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Apart

When it’s time to choose a binge eating disorder treatment center near you, it’s important that you find one that’s going to work for…

8 Ways to Heal the Spirit at an Eating Disorder Treatment Center

There is more than one kind of treatment available at an eating disorder treatment center. Some are more clinical or medical than others, and others are more focused on the…

When Your Romantic Partner Has an Eating Disorder

Dr. Dana Harron is a practicing psychologist in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington DC. She is the founder and director of Monarch Wellness & Psychotherapy, a boutique practice that…

How Eating Disorder Treatment Can Enhance Your Life

Seeking out eating disorder treatment near you can fundamentally change your life or the life of a loved one for the better. The symptoms of eating disorders such as bulimia…