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The Importance of Family & Friends in Bulimia Nervosa Treatment for Adolescents

Two to three out of every 100 American women suffer from bulimia nervosa, and its onset is appearing in females at younger ages than ever before, according to the National…

How Self-Care Can Help While in Anorexia Treatment Near You

While working on healing a disordered relationship with food and exercise at anorexia treatment near you, stress levels can start to rise. Without a way to relieve that stress, it…

Fat Shaming, Fat Phobia and the Rise in Eating Disorders

Amy’s* parents made reservations at a popular buffet-style…

Using Mindfulness, Meditation, and Journaling in Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

When engaged in binge eating disorder treatment in…

Eating Disorder Statistics in Boston

Eating disorders affect people all across the United States, and Boston is no exception. In this city, both men and women are struggling with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating…