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Risk Factors for Eating Disorders Among Transgender Individuals

People of all gender identities and sexual orientations can develop eating disorders. However, among transgender people, the risk of developing these disorders is increased. Likewise, transgender people who have eating…

Dual Diagnosis: Common Mental Health Disorders that Co-Occur with Eating Disorders

On their own, eating disorders can affect almost every…

Excessive Exercise – How a Good Habit Turns Bad

Everyone knows that engaging in physical exercise regularly is good for your body. In fact, regular exercise has been connected to improved physical condition, as well as better mental health.…

Reframing the New Year’s Resolution

Clementine The Woodlands Primary Therapist Kate Funk, MS, MFT  offers advice in navigating new years resolutions and how to honor your past, while looking to the future. Read on to…

Inpatient vs Outpatient: Which Structure Is Best?

If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, seeking treatment is the best course of action. A professional eating disorder treatment program gives you the best…