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Here’s Why Springtime Isn’t Always Welcomed by Some People

The approach of springtime with its milder weather, budding plants and more frequent displays of sunshine seems like it would be welcomed by everyone. After all, these signs of spring are evidence…

Exploring the Relationship Between Eating Disorders and OCD

Almost all types of mental health conditions are more…

Alcohol Use and Eating Disorders

While eating disorders are the most common mental health condition, they often occur alongside other common mental health issues. Oftentimes, individuals with an eating disorder diagnosis will have already been…

Self-Care during COVID-19

Senior Director of Clinical Programming Melissa Coffin, PhD, CEDS-S shares ways to stay connected during this time of social distancing during COVID-19. Read on to learn some of Dr. Coffin’s…

Maintaining Recovery During COVID-19

Chief Clinical Officer Melissa Spann, LMHC, PhD, CEDS-S offers tips to maintain recovery during COVID-19. Read on to learn how to take care of yourself during this difficult time… In…