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6 Types of Lesser-Known Eating Disorders

Awareness of eating disorders and their impact on people has increased in recent years, in large part due to the growth of eating disorder recovery and body positivity accounts on…

What Can You Do If Someone You Love Refuses Help for an Eating Disorder?

Despite the emotional and physical suffering that results from most eating disorders, many people are often reluctant to begin eating disorder treatment.Like with any kind of mental health disease, an…

Interview with Norah Wynne MA, LMFT, Clinical Director

How long have you worked at Monte Nido? I started with Monte Nido at the original site in Calabasas on February 1, 2001.  It fascinates me how quickly twenty years can…

Interview with Katherine Harbour, Monte Nido RainRock, Housekeeper

Tell us a little bit about yourself personally and professionally.  I am a widow, mother of three and grandmother of 4. How long have you worked at Monte Nido? I started working…

Looking at the Various Kinds of Therapy Used in Eating Disorder Treatment

There’s no simple panacea for treating eating disorders. To make a complete recovery, several disciplines and types of treatment are needed.  This can include a combination of therapy, in some…