Oregon eating disorder treatment for adolescent females
Monte Nido Clementine West Linn offers residential treatment for female-identifying adolescent girls seeking treatment for AFRID, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, or other eating disorders. This location, situated just outside of Portland, OR, provides the highest level of medical and psychiatric care outside of a hospital through continual care in the comfort of a home-like environment.
1148 South Rosemont Rd, West Linn, OR 97068

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Portland-area eating disorder treatment accommodations for teen girls
With expertise in the developmental needs of adolescent young women, our care is therapeutically grounded. Our treatment incorporates state-of-the-art approaches, research, and outcome data to best facilitate your teen’s recovery.
Medical, psychiatric, clinical, and nutritional accommodations at Monte Nido Clementine West Linn: