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Anorexia Nervosa Treatment in Westchester, New York

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253

Anorexia nervosa is at the top of the list as one of the more common eating disorder subtypes. The National Eating Disorder Association states that it is estimated that as much as 0.4 percent of young females and 0.1 percent of younger males could have the disorder. Even more troubling, mortality with anorexia nervosa is higher than that of bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorders.

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Treatment for anorexia nervosa disorder in Westchestermust be handled in an adequate, compassionate manner. At Monte Nido’s day treatment program in the area, we focus on the multiple levels of therapy that have been practiced in residential programs.

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Considering Risk Factors Associated with Anorexia Nervosa Diagnosis

The exact cause of anorexia nervosa has not been determined scientifically, but there are related risk factors that seem to be a common thread among people who have a need for anorexia nervosa treatment. Some of the most common risk factors that are often only discovered during treatment include things like:

  • Certain temperaments or personality traits, such as people who have a more obsessive or neurotic personality
  • Trauma experienced, either in childhood or adulthood, can be an underlying risk factor
  • Preoccupation with self-image, dieting, or maintaining a certain physical appearance
  • Genetic influences can mean an individual is more predisposed than usual
  • Family history can play a role with some individuals who have grown up around someone with an eating disorder

During treatment for anorexia nervosa, all risk factors must be considered and addressed through care and therapy to ensure the best possible outcome.

A Look at the Steps Involved During Anorexia Nervosa Recovery

Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder that can involve a myriad of different underlying problems, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, anorexia nervosa treatment must include a matching myriad of steps and processes to provide the best chance at recovery. All anorexia nervosa treatment centers have different methods and utilize different approaches, but there is typically a system of steps taken to help the client reach their goals and get better. Some of the steps involved with anorexia nervosa recovery include:

1. Working to overcome restrictive behaviors
2. Healing the underlying relationship the client has with food and nutrition
3. Achieving a balance of nutritional intake, metabolic fitness, and medical wellness
4. Developing insight into the destructive thoughts, behaviors, and patterns associated with the disorder
5. Practicing new ways to express emotions outside of food and restriction
6. Using self-monitoring and other recovery skills to recognize and combat associated behaviors
7. Working with the familial support system to develop a good home support structure
8. Developing a long-term care program for after treatment

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call: 888.228.1253

Getting Anorexia Nervosa Treatment in Westchester, NY

Westchester has a lot to offer anyone, whether they are a resident or a visitor. The area is home to nearly one million souls, and the bustling urban location is perfect when you need distractions to keep your mind at ease through the process of anorexia nervosa recovery in Westchester. With so much to do and see, such as the local Hudson River Museum and jazz orchestra, it is easy to find reasons to be emotionally well in Westchester.