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Treatment Options at Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Centers

Binge eating disorder is a condition that affects numerous individuals throughout the United States and around the world. The disorder can be quite distressing for both the person diagnosed with the condition and that individuals’ friends and family. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available for those diagnosed with eating disorders, including binge eating disorder. Binge eating treatment centers focus on providing proven eating disorder treatments. One eating disorder recovery center may take a slightly different approach than another, but the focus of each center is the same, they strive to ensure every patient receives the best possible care and leaves on the path to recovery.

Like all significant lifestyle changes, moving from the eating disorder self to the healthy self can take time. Actively participating in obsessive eating disorder treatment can be one of the most important components to achieving recovery. The time spent with binge eating treatment professionals will support a more recovered future over the long-term.

When searching for treatment options, it can be helpful to have a general idea of what they consist of and how they can help with binge eating disorders. The more informed one is about binge eating disorder treatment, the easier it will be to choose the right option for oneself or a loved one.

What Is Binge Eating Disorder?

The characteristics of binge eating disorder include consuming large volumes of food on a regular basis and feeling it is difficult or impossible to stop doing so. As the most common eating disorder in the country, it affects more people than many realize. The feeling of obsessing about and consuming food can be overwhelming for those diagnosed with the condition. Entering treatment may provide the support, tools and skills needed to live a fully recovered life.

Tailoring Treatment to the Needs of the Individual

It could be assumed one treatment would be effective for all impacted by this disorder; this is not the case. As with all eating disorders, there can be a variety of contributing factors that make up the overall condition known as binge eating disorder, factors that can vary from individual to individual. A specific treatment protocol that works excellently for one individual may not work nearly as well for another individual. The need for a customized treatment plans is well understood among eating disorder treatment professionals and is a good point to recognize for those looking for treatment for themselves or a loved one.

What Is the Overall Goal of Binge Eating Disorder Treatment?

The answer to this question can seem obvious, but when treating eating disorders it is important to clarify goals as much as possible. The clearer the stated goal, the better able both those diagnosed with an eating disorder and those providing treatment can determine progress.

In the case of binge eating recovery, the goal of treatment is to:

  • Put an end to binging or lessen the frequency of binging
  • Learn and incorporate methods for maintaining a healthy relationship with food
  • Identify and address mental health concerns related to the binge eating disorder

All roads to recovery have to start somewhere and binge eating disorder recovery is no exception. Treatment will be guided with methods advised by the treatment center or healthcare professional. Periodically, both parties will examine the progress being made by looking at the stated goals for treatment and the current condition of the diagnosed individual. If it appears progress is not being made, it may be necessary to adjust the treatment plan. Having clear goals is vital in guiding everyone through the treatment process, both those diagnosed with binge eating disorder and the professionals providing treatment.

Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Centers: Understanding Treatment Options

Binge eating recovery can be accomplished using different treatments. As with so many situations, there is often more than one path to the same destination. Which path is right for an individual must be determined by that individual and his or her doctor, therapist or the eating disorder recovery center the individual is attending.

Binge eating disorder treatment centers typically offer residential treatment, outpatient treatment or both. Within these two categories are a range of specific treatments that may be included in an individual’s treatment plan. To understand the services offered by binge eating disorder treatment centers, it can be helpful to know the distinctions between residential binge eating disorder treatment and outpatient binge eating disorder treatment programs.

What Is Residential Binge Eating Disorder Treatment?

The term residential indicates that patients stay in the binge eating disorder recovery center for treatment. At this level of care, patients are provided 24-hour care by a supportive staff of caring and experienced professionals. All staff at binge eating treatment centers are committed to the same goal, helping those diagnosed with binge eating disorder on the path to full recovery.

Some important aspects of residential binge eating disorder treatment include:

  • Regular individual therapy sessions. Those staying at a residential treatment center will attend regular treatment with a therapist.
  • Regular group therapy sessions.In addition to individual therapy sessions, group therapy sessions are conducted multiple times a week for additional support and guidance.
  • Meals are provided by chefs and nutritionists.Developing a positive relationship with food is an important component of treatment. At residential treatment centers, high-quality meals prepared with fresh ingredients are provided to patients to meet their nutritional needs and support an enjoyable dining experience.
  • Mental healthcare resources for co-occurring conditions. Mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, can be associated with binge eating disorder. These conditions must be addressed, along with the eating disorder, for a patient to become fully recovered. Residential treatment centers provide therapy for a variety of mental health concerns.
  • Medical professionals are on staff to help with other health issues, such as Some patients diagnosed with binge eating disorder have additional health concerns that require the attention of medical professionals. One of the benefits of residential treatment is that recovery centers are often staffed with medical professionals who can address these health issues.
  • Recovery centers provide a safe space.There can be situations at home that make recovering from a binge eating disorder more challenging. Negative environments or relationships can be temporarily set aside while the patient is living at the center, allowing for a clearer perspective and development of coping strategies to address the eating disorder
  • Residential recovery provides a safe transition from hospitalization.For those who have been hospitalized due to eating disorders or other related issues, it can be difficult and not recommended to go directly from the hospital to home. A binge eating disorder recovery center is often ideal for such a transition because it provides a safe, welcoming, supportive environment for the patient. After completing treatment it can become easier to transition back to life at home.

What Is Outpatient Binge Eating Disorder Treatment?

Outpatient, or day, treatment programs involve regular treatment while the client is living at home. Day treatment utilizes many of the same treatment methods as residential centers, but the experience is different as the client still participates in day-to-day activities (i.e. school, work, social engagements, etc.)

While it is certainly different than residential treatment, day treatment is effective in the right situations. Some things to understand about outpatient treatment include:

  • The patient attends treatment on a regular basis. One or two treatment sessions are rarely sufficient to alter the negative behaviors associated with binge eating disorder. To achieve recovery, one must attend treatment regularly over an extended period of time. With outpatient care, the patient agrees to a schedule of treatment over a specific period of time and to attend treatment on a regular basis throughout that time period.
  • Patients can often maintain obligations,such as school and work. For individuals who are stepping down from a residential level of care or who require a less intensive treatment plan, outpatient care can be the right option. If deemed appropriate by treatment professionals, outpatient treatment allows individuals to maintain outside obligations and activities, such as going to school, maintaining a job and helping with family obligations.
  • Day treatment is effective for less severe conditions.Every individual diagnosed with binge eating disorder is different, with different needs and different challenges. Some individuals have more severe symptoms than others. For those whose condition is considered less severe by a treatment professional or who are stepping down from a higher level of a care outpatient treatment can be sufficient to support an individual’s
  • Day treatment typically includes individual and group therapy.Individual and group therapy are both part of the outpatient treatment experience. Therapy is one of the foundations of eating disorder treatment, allowing individuals to view their circumstances in a different light, identify any issues and initiate efforts to adjust behaviors for a more desirable result.
  • Day treatment can be more affordable than residential treatment. A residential treatment center for binge eating disorder maintains a staff of on-site treatment professionals twenty-four hours per day. Residential care may also last from a month to six months or more. All of these factors mean residential care can cost more than outpatient care, which is utilized for a period of hours a few times a week.
  • Treatment at an outpatient center is ideal for those who have completed a residential program.There is an adjustment period when an individual leaves residential treatment and begins to reintegrate into daily life. Many residential treatment centers will recommend graduates of their programs attend an outpatient program after leaving the residential level of care. Being able to reconnect with the support of treatment professionals and others working on their recovery can prove invaluable on the path to full recovery.

How to Choose Between Residential and Day Treatment for Binge Eating Disorder

There are many factors that influence the decision of which type of treatment center to choose for binge eating disorder. Some of these include:

  • The severity of the binge eating disorder
  • The amount of time available to engage in treatment
  • What the health insurance of the individual will cover


A residential treatment center offers a deep dive into treatment in a safe, welcoming environment staffed with eating disorder treatment professionals.

A day treatment center can certainly be effective in treating binge eating disorder. The outpatient level of care is recommended for those individuals stepping down from a residential level of care or those who need a lower level of care, as recommended by an eating disorder treatment professional.

In the end, the decision must be made by the individual seeking treatment, his or her family and loved ones, and most importantly, after careful consultation with the individual’s doctor and/or therapist. The medical professional treating the individual for the eating disorder is best qualified to determine the severity of the condition and to recommend which type of treatment is most likely to be successful.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Near You

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with binge eating disorder, we want you to know help is out there. We can help you find binge eating disorder treatment near you. Please contact us to learn more about binge eating disorder recovery today.

Areas We Serve:

Agoura Hills, CA | Boston, MA | Eugene, OR | Irvington, NY | Los Angeles, CA | Malibu, CA
New York, NY | Newport Beach, CA | Philadelphia, PA | Portland, OR | Westchester, NY