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Over the course of the past couple of months I have had the blessing of watching my sister fight to win her life back, and it has changed how I live mine. As she and I commonly talk about…… you all have the ability to “speak to our souls,” in a way that is so authentic. You speak and treat us all in a way that reminds us what really matters in life. Because of your compassionate guidance, my sister is truly living again. She allows herself to be happy and knows it is ok to be sad. She has a freeness and beauty about her that I have not seen in years. In a way, you could say that you saved my sister’s life.

As a family, you have shown us that although this world is messy at times, there is so much love. You have reminded us to stop aiming for perfection and start accepting each other…with all our beautiful imperfections. No matter what happens tomorrow, we are so incredibly fortunate to have each other.

I am not sure how you go about thanking a group of individuals for the blessings above. Thank you seems insufficient, for what you have given my family is immeasurable. I heard a quote the other day that said, “May you find inspiration in the big picture, but may you find love in the details.” Thank you for giving my sister the inspiration to live a full life, and thank you for teaching my family and I how to find love in the present.