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THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME there can be tenderness in treatment; for teaching me I can express my needs; reassuring me they are appropriate, and they can be met; for…


WHAT CAN I SAY? Who knew? I guess miracles really do happen. The miracle in this case being Monte Nido and all the wonderful people who are associated with it.…

Client 5

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do and for creating such and amazing healing space and for providing me with the…


For a long time, I have tried to find the words to express the amount of gratitude I have towards Carolyn and the Monte Nido Staff. The past ten years…

Client 4

Thank you Carolyn for creating a place like Monte Nido Vista, I wish there were many more. These past months at Monte Nido Vista have save my life. I came…