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Eight years ago, we discovered that our daughter suffers from anorexia. Thus began a journey for us which has been confronting, full of uncertainty, at many times frightening and ultimately…

Family 1

I often think of Monte Nido. Thank you and your staff for saving my daughter’s life. She just graduated with a Master’s in Journalism and has a great job. None…


YOU HAVE SHOWN ME HOW TO FEEL FREE AND FEARLESS, to have inner peace and serenity. You have helped me realize “life is rich.” I have found the person inside…


WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS all of the love and gratitude I have for Monte Nido. Monte Nido saved my life. I couldn’t have done it without you, Carolyn, and the magic…


YOU SUCCEEDED in accomplishing the one thing you promised to do for me. You continuously said that you just wanted to show me the life I could have and then…