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WHAT CAN I SAY? Who knew? I guess miracles really do happen. The miracle in this case being Monte Nido and all the wonderful people who are associated with it. You’ve all given me a most precious gift. You’ve given me the gift of life and for that I shall never be able to thank you enough. Not only have you helped me in my struggle with anorexia and set me on the road to recovery, you’ve also given me in 7 weeks what I’ve lived a lifetime without and that is a family. I’ve never felt so at home with a group of people before in my life. I never knew what it was like to be surrounded by people who offer such love and support and yet don’t ask for anything in return. I never knew people could care so much (and not just because it was their job). I never knew what it was like to trust someone. I never knew what it was like to have someone really listen when I spoke. I feel very fortunate to have been one of the original six who first arrived here. How honored we should feel-as we can say we were the first to receive the ‘gifts’ of Monte Nido. I think to the future when many will have come and gone, and success and the exposure will be great. I think how proud I’ll be when I say, “I was there when it all first began.” Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of something so wonderful. Thank you for letting me into your lives. I’ll walk away from here a much better, healthier person thanks to all of you.