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Client 2

March 27, 2013, one year ago today I packed my suitcase, hugged my two babies tight not knowing when I would see them again and got on that 10 o’clock flight to Los Angeles. When I got to Monte Nido I was beyond hopeless. My heart was still beating but my eating disorder had sucked out all life from me… I was surrounded by beautiful and loving people while in treatment. I slowly started to heal and my soul and spirit came to life in a new way. Learning how to speak my truth however scary it may be and truly living from my soul self has been life changing. I have come a long way in a year. It hasn’t been easy and I still have my struggles but I have continued to work hard in my recovery. When I get overwhelmed and want to throw my hands up in the air and give up, I have to stop and remember to take life moment by moment. Today I need to eat my food and keep my food. I need to smile, laugh and hug my children. If I can do that each day, then I’m doing A-ok. Thank you to all of the beautiful souls that have come into my life since being at Monte Nido. Each and every one of you have made a difference.