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Risk Factors for Eating Disorders Among Transgender Individuals

People of all gender identities and sexual orientations can develop eating disorders. However, among transgender people, the risk of developing these disorders is increased. Likewise, transgender people who have eating…

Six Ways Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Can Improve Your Relationship with Food and Eating

If someone has an eating disorder, his or her relationship with food and the idea of eating, in general, is strained. Depending on the type of disorder, he or she…

Part One: Group Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

Monte Nido Philadelphia Primary Therapist Kate Funk begins a three part series opening up about some of her journey in eating disorder treatment. In the series, not only does Kate…

Eating Disorder Center of Portland Day Treatment Program for Adolescents

At Monte Nido Portland, we are sensitive to the developmental needs of the adolescent population, and our experienced multidisciplinary team takes a holistic approach to get teens on the path…

Surviving Spring Break while in Eating Disorder Recovery

Angie Viets, LCP is an eating disorder specialist who has dedicated her career to helping her clients recover. In this week’s post, she discusses a common challenge for college-aged clients—spring break.…