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Managing Step-Down Care Within Your Regular Routine

A residential eating disorder treatment program is an important step towards long-term recovery. But unfortunately, taking time away from work and family responsibility can be difficult. This leads many adults…

What Role Does Spirituality Play in Eating Disorder Recovery?

Recovering from an eating disorder is complex and multifaceted; in addition to treating the physical manifestations such as malnutrition, bone disease, tooth decay, and low blood pressure, there are also…

Looking at the Various Kinds of Therapy Used in Eating Disorder Treatment

There’s no simple panacea for treating eating disorders. To make a complete recovery, several disciplines and types of treatment are needed.  This can include a combination of therapy, in some…

A Few Ways to Practice Self-care During Isolation or Quarantine

Stress is a primary trigger for most mental health conditions – from anxiety and depression, and especially eating disorders, external pressure leads to disordered thoughts and behaviors. When people have…

How to Face the Challenges of Binge Eating Disorder Recovery

Like every other eating disorder, binge eating disorder poses many challenges for a person trying to better their life through treatment.Each person’s challenges differ according to their unique situations and…