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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Is an Important Component of Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are relatively widespread forms of mental health conditions that affect millions of people. Even though the usual perception of these disorders is that they are rare and only…

A Few Ways Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Can Improve Social Connections

Because social support is a key factor in recovery from any behavioral health disorder, eating disorder treatment centers often prioritize building these support systems in preparation for a successful transition…

Modern Eating Disorder Treatment Might Not Be What You Expect

When first facing the prospect of entering an eating disorder treatment center, many people are unsure what to expect. They may even be nervous or resistant. It’s natural to have…

4 Reasons Why Group Therapy Is a Key to Eating Disorder Recovery

According to the National Eating Disorder Association, eating disorders are among the most common forms of mental health disorders affecting teenagers and young adults in the United States. Any eating…

Examining the Role of Exposure Therapy in Eating Disorder Recovery

In modern eating disorder treatment practice, many kinds of therapy can be applied. Some, like CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) are mainstays of virtually every program.…