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Working at Monte Nido

Work with us and GROW

We are strongly rooted in the eating disorder treatment field, with over two decades of experience providing residential care. We provide training, growth and opportunity and feel solidly rooted in our belief that our staff is the greatest asset we have to offer our clients. We strive to retain talent and encourage creativity. We are part of a larger group of people that advocate and support eating disorder treatment efforts within our industry. Our colleagues at other treatment centers, as well as organizations that focus on prevention, education and advocacy, are our trusted partners and collaborators. We are passionate. Our programs “know who they are” and provide environments that foster creativity and excellence. We relentlessly strive to grow and refine while not changing what has been integral to our clients ability to become fully recovered. We walk the talk of our therapeutic approach.

Monte Nido  is a workplace at which you can make a difference in someone’s life. Whether you work in a clinical role at one of our locations, or in outreach or insurance departments, these roles are the fabric that hold all clients in our care. Working with us is an opportunity to learn from the eating disorder treatment industry’s top clinicians, utilizing the most trusted approaches to treatment. Our multidisciplinary teams include therapists, physicians, dietitians, nurses and other recovery specialists, all experienced in providing proven and trusted eating disorder treatment. We provide a rewarding and enriching professional experience through the care we provide, relationships with clients and staff, training opportunities, and our Monte Nido & Affiliates team approach.

  • We are human beings first, therapists second.
  • We practice truth without judgment.
  • We skillfully balance a nurturing and challenging environment.
  • We work on strengthening each client’s healthy self.
  • We teach clients to reach out to people rather than their eating disorder.
  • We combine evidence-based treatment with mindfulness practices and other therapies.
  • We are experts at using recovered staff as inspiration and role models.
  • We offer competitive benefits for our employees.

Full Recovery Is Possible

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