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Why Nurses & Why Monte Nido and Affilliates

Monte Nido & Affiliates Vice President of Nursing Lyn Goldring, RN, BN, CEDRN helped to create the current nursing program, and currently oversees the well being of clients and the team of nurses. In this week’s blog post, Lyn shares the passion and dedication behind the nursing team, and the integral role they play in providing treatment at Monte Nido & Affiliates.

Every nurse begins her journey in the art of caring for humans with an idea as to why she wants to help people. The why is never lost as it’s truly a calling, a vocation, a way of life. Caring for girls who suffer from eating disorders touches all aspects of caring: the mind, the body and the soul.

Joining Monte Nido in 2005 I saw an opportunity to combine the skill of caring with Carolyn’s ground breaking philosophies. Nurses joined hands with therapist, dietitians, psychiatrist, medical doctors, pharmacists, researchers, yoga teachers and trainers who were all nestled in the safety of a home that was created just for clients. Nurses naturally join with clients as they experience navigating the agonizing process called treatment. Nurses provide the salve on the open wounds of therapy, scientifically explain the symptomology experienced when every bodily system is painfully woken up with nutrition, educate starved minds to the benefits of medicines, introduce them to the function of their bodies over the size, provide screenings for basic health prevention strategies and provide an ever patient ear to the most private conflicts. Nurses are the multitaskers in the treatment process.

A decade later and many more centers opened the mission of nurses continue across our programs. Nurses are called as I was to remain true the their original why? We are integrated, involved and care for clients in an authentic holistic way that brings its own evidenced based results, RECOVERY.


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