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The Soul’s Ingredients: How to help evolve a client’s relationship with their basic needs using the four agreements

Monte Nido presents “The Soul’s Ingredients: How to help evolve a client’s relationship with their basic needs using the four agreements” featuring Monte Nido Vista Dietitian Kym Wyman, RD.

The foundation of our relationship to self begins in our earliest experiences of how our basic physical needs are met or not met, and in what we witness from our primary caregivers. “Self care” by definition requires not only a healthy self, but also an action of care that is nurturing and consistent in supporting and affirming it. The distortions suffered by a client struggling with an eating disorder reside predominantly in how they view and define themselves and in how they define the word “care”. Using The Four Agreements, clients can begin to understand how their version of reality regarding self creates suffering. Evolving a client’s expression of care for self can be the launching point for recognizing the relationship to their basic physical needs and helping them to achieve recovery.

Attendees will be provided how to describe two techniques to help the client with their internal dialogue about food and exercise, describe the difference between responding rather than reacting to basic needs, identify three basic needs and explain how you might help a client form an intimate relationship to these needs. Accurately explain at least two beliefs and assumptions clients might hold regarding how food and exercise effects their bodies.

The presentation will take place on Friday, September 22nd at Napa Valley Grille Westwood in Los Angeles, CA. Check-in will begin at 11:30 and the presentation will be held from 12:00-1:00pm. One CE credit will be provided. Please reach out to Regional Outreach Manager Mary Andreasen at 310.721.6264 or MAndreasen@montenidoaffiliates.com with questions or to RSVP.

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