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After several failed stints in treatment centers and medical procedures I admitted to Monte Nido Vista. There’s a perfect interweave of firmness, warmth and skill that Carolyn Costin has been able to create at this facility. It’s not all encapsulated in one person. They pool their resources together to create an individualized treatment plan within a nurturing, supportive atmosphere, which is conducive to healing. I appreciated and often reflect on the tasteful and personal touches that enhanced my experience there i.e. oversized cozy pillows, fresh cut flowers, candles, sparkling pool and relaxing swings. Over a year later, I am thankful and humble to report that I am doing remarkably well. Aside from recovering from an eating disorder, the work I did at Vista, empowered me. They cared enough about me to find me an outpatient therapist that is perfect for me and has continued to guide and support me over the last nine months. I can finally look back and have clarity that has helped me make choices and take action that brings hope and optimism rather than replicating the same old destructive behaviors. I now apply the tools that I’ve obtained at Vista and in my current therapy and as a result, I am creating a life that I’ve always wanted. I now have a life beyond my eating disorder. I am present in every moment; I get to feel; I get to laugh. I have the freedom to live every aspect of my life. Most importantly, I get to choose!