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Client 3

I strongly believe that what you have created at Monte Nido is unique and very special indeed. You and other members of staff here have given me hope that I…


After several failed stints in treatment centers and medical procedures I admitted to Monte Nido Vista. There’s a perfect interweave of firmness, warmth and skill that Carolyn Costin has been…

Client 2

March 27, 2013, one year ago today I packed my suitcase, hugged my two babies tight not knowing when I would see them again and got on that 10 o’clock…

Client 1

I remember my time at Monte Nido was one of my most terrible moments in life because it made me face reality, my struggles, and self-doubts. Despite that, it was…


Although it is so hard to be gentle with my soul, Monte Nido has shown me that it is there. Monte Nido has nurtured my soul when I did nothing…