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Eight years ago, we discovered that our daughter suffers from anorexia. Thus began a journey for us which has been confronting, full of uncertainty, at many times frightening and ultimately exhausting. We tried absolutely everything we could to seek help for our daughter in Australia, and to find ways to help her survive the starvation and self harm that comes with this little understood disease. At some points we saw signs of improvement and felt there was hope, but these were always dashed as she would invariably relapse to an even more dangerous weight and loss of mental health. Our daughter found Monte Nido from the internet and discovered a holistic approach to managing and seeking to cure eating disorders. It is holistic in the sense that the program seeks to both keep the patient alive (avoid starvation), as well as rebuild mental health which as the core of the disease. Finally the program offers a step by step path back to a more normal life where the patient can manage their own eating, mental health, self perception and self esteem, and ultimately reestablish independence. When we became aware of the program, it was the first time we saw a potential path for our daughter to survive. 18 months ago she attended the program, and since then has gone through a remarkable turnaround, and is now able to eat healthily, and live an independent life. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Carolyn for a great job to manage Monte Nido together with her capable team of staff.