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Bulimia Nervosa Treatment Center in Boston, MA

If you believe you or someone you love has an eating disorder, please call:

Bulimia Nervosa Treatment in Boston, Massachusetts

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Bulimia nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders. This serious mental health condition affects people of all ages, races, genders and cultural backgrounds. Characterized by a recurring cycle of binge eating and purging behaviors, many people who have bulimia nervosa also experience negative body image, depression, and may engage in frequent, unhealthy dieting.

Because bulimia nervosa has many potentially harmful long-term health effects, early intervention can be very helpful in the recovery process. For those interested in bulimia nervosa treatment in Boston, Monte Nido offers comprehensive day treatment in a comfortable, safe and home-like setting. Our clients have access to both medical and psychiatric care, as well as access to a compassionate and dedicated team of eating disorder professionals.

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Seeking Treatment for a Bulimia Nervosa Diagnosis in Boston

Before deciding on a treatment center for bulimia nervosa disorder in Boston, it’s important for clients and their loved ones to learn more about the health consequences associated with the condition. While it is true that people can develop bulimia nervosa at any age, most first show signs of the condition in adolescence and early adulthood.

Common Signs and Symptoms

  • Loved ones may initially find that people with bulimia nervosa develop restrictive or secretive behaviors surrounding food and mealtimes. It’s common for people with bulimia nervosa to hide or hoard food in their rooms, take frequent bathroom breaks during and after meals and experiment with frequent dieting.
  • It’s also very common for individuals with bulimia nervosa to become hesitant to eating around others or in public. This may result in them withdrawing from social events or skipping meals regularly.
  • Friends and family may also come to recognize the signs of frequent vomiting or laxative/diuretics use. Most often, loved ones may smell evidence of vomiting or notice wrappers and containers from laxatives around the home.

Long-Term Bulimia Nervosa Effects

  • While type 2 diabetes is typically associated with individuals who are overweight, because people with bulimia nervosa tend to binge on foods that are high in fats and sugars, they are also prone to develop that condition over time.
  • Many people who have bulimia nervosa may experience electrolyte imbalances that can result in poor organ health. If left untreated, electrolyte imbalances can lead to a wide variety of heart complications including irregular heartbeat and in severe instances, heart failure.
  • Women with bulimia nervosa may find that they have very infrequent menstrual periods or stop having periods altogether. Once recovered, most will return to their natural cycle, but this can take some time.

Compassionate Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa Disorder in Boston

Bulimia nervosa is a serious health condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly – but with proper care and a strong support system, recovery is possible. At the Monte Nido’s bulimia nervosa treatment center, clients have access to a dedicated and experienced team of health professionals who will guide you through the treatment process.

Focusing on outpatient bulimia nervosa treatment or day treatment, we make it easy to get the care you need in a comfortable and home-like setting. We believe that Boston is an ideal location to start on the road to recovery. As one of the oldest and most historic cities in the US, Boston has plenty to offer those looking for a relaxing and beautiful recovery setting.

Full recovery is within your reach. We can help. 888.228.1253