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NEDA Week 2022 Is Here!

Once a year, the eating disorder treatment community comes together to advance awareness, build consensus, and further the cause of recovery. During this National Eating Disorder Awareness week, Monte Nido…

Modern Eating Disorder Treatment Might Not Be What You Expect

When first facing the prospect of entering an eating disorder treatment center, many people are unsure what to expect. They may even be nervous or resistant. It’s natural to have…

6 Facts That Will Help You Understand Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is among the most important and yet misunderstood mental health disorders in the world. It is surprisingly common and can have dangerous health consequences if left untreated,…

Is Residential or Day Treatment the Right Choice for Eating Disorders?

When someone close to you gets a diagnosis of an eating disorder, it can be hard to know what the best course of action is.You may argue, or feel you…

Bulimia Nervosa, Body Image, and Rejecting the Myth of the “Perfect Body”

As one of the most well-known kinds of eating…