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Six Tips to Make the Most of Mental Health Awareness Month

Every May is the annual Mental Health Awareness Month, and it’s an important time. Spring brings with it a sense of renewal, and during this time people struggling with depression,…

A Few Ways Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Can Improve Social Connections

Because social support is a key factor in recovery from any behavioral health disorder, eating disorder treatment centers often prioritize building these support systems in preparation for a successful transition…

Does Binge Eating Disorder Affect Men?

Based on studies produced by the National Eating Disorders Association and other organizations, binge eating disorder is a common and possibly life-threatening form of eating disorder. The symptoms include recurring binge eating…

The Vital Importance of Gender-Informed Care

Gender-informed care is close to my heart. When working with clients with an eating disorder, a gender-informed lens is necessary, and allowing space for clients to be seen and feel…

Examining the Role of Gender in the Development of Eating Disorders

*Please note that the statements in this article are…