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In The Weeds: Marijuana Use & Eating Disorders

Senior Director of West Coast Clinical Programming Kelly Souza, MA,…

Why Eating Disorders Remain Socially Unaccepted as a Mental Illness

The Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) classifies anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders as serious and viable mental illnesses requiring the same rigorous, evidence-based therapies used to treat major depression,…

Addressing Social Isolation While in Eating Disorder Treatment Programs

While in eating disorder treatment, patients must work with their care team to overcome social isolation while becoming recovered. Addressing this issue helps promote healing in recovery and builds the…

Role of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Binge Eating Treatment Programs

People with binge eating disorder can greatly benefit from attending treatment programs that use dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as a core element. This therapeutic approach helps with emotional regulation and…

What to Expect After Graduation from an Eating Disorder Treatment Center

As people acquire care at eating disorder recovery centers, they build the coping skills they will need to remain recovered after graduation. With these tools, they can withstand the stresses…