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4 Crucial Steps to Take When a Loved One Gets An Eating Disorder Diagnosis

In spite of great strides being made within the past few years, eating disorders are still often misunderstood. The good thing is that more high-quality eating disorder treatment centers that…

How Eating Disorders Affect the Elderly

During the last several years, the public has become…

Which Binge Eating Disorder Center Is Right For Your Loved One?

Binge eating disorder recovery relies on the appropriate kind of treatment for the individual. With so many choices out there, how is the family or friends of an individual with…

How Eating Disorders Affect the Mind and Body and How Anorexia Treatment Can Help

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Risk Factors and Signs of Binge Eating Disorder and How to Help Loved Ones Get Help

When people have binge eating disorder, they feel compelled to overeat and cannot control their intake of food. They may feel it is impossible to stop eating and experience great…